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Template Bundle

7 Customizable Templates Included

Affiliate Terms & Conditions

Bundle Collaboration Terms & Conditions

Collaboration Agreement (options to use at least 3 ways)

Guest Speaker/Teacher Agreement

Guest Coach Agreement

Guest Waiver & Release

Guest Blogger Agreement

Price:  $597 USD

Buy the Collaboration Template Bundle Now



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Online Service Businesses

All of the templates are designed for course creators, coaches, membership sites and done-for-you creatives operating on-line businesses. They help you address the issues that will come up in your type of business. Using contracts not only helps protect your biz but will make you stand out like the biz pro that you are. 

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Easy to Customize

All of the customizable templates are just that - customizable. Legal language is provided and you add your details. Using the customizable templates is super easy. Complete them in minutes (not hours or days). Each template comes with a Step Up Template Video™ guiding you through the template.

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Affordable Option

The customizable templates are an affordable option to get your online business legally protected. Every business has a budget, whether you're just getting started or are growing. You want to make smart financial choices when you invest in your biz. The customizable templates provide an affordable do-it-yourself option.

What happens after I purchase the template bundle?

After purchase, you'll be directed to the student library where you can access all of the templates and Step Up Your Legal™ videos to help you quickly customize the templates. You'll be prompted to make copies of the templates in your own Google Drive and then you'll be able to customize them for your business. 

Buy the Collaboration Template Bundle Here


  • A Step Up Template Video™ for each template explaining the template and how to customize it
  • Affiliate Terms & Conditions.  These are the terms your affiliates agree to when they sign up to promote your products. These terms cover essential terms such as commission amount, how payments are calculated and paid, and responsibilities and obligations of someone who signs up to be your affiliate. 
  • Bundle Collaboration Terms & Conditions. Putting together a free or paid bundle? These are the essential terms you'll want your bundle contributors to agree to if they are participating in your bundle. These terms outline their responsibilities as contributors, how any payments to contributors work, and other responsibilities of your bundle contributors.  
  • Collaboration Agreement (3 in 1!). Ready to collaborate with another online business for a joint webinar or cross promotion of each other's products? This flexible template has language that lets you customize it at least 3 different ways. Manage expectations and responsibilities with your collaborator to avoid misunderstandings between you.
  • Guest Speaker or Teacher Agreement. Ready to have a guest teach or speaker in your program? This Agreement covers what the speaker or teacher will be covering, how any payments are handled, who owns the content and other important legal terms.
  • Guest Coach Agreement. Adding one or more guest coaches inside your program or course? This Agreement will identify expectations of your coaches, how any compensation is handled, who owns the content and other important business and legal terms.
  • Guest Waiver & Release. Host a podcast or video show? This template contains important release language that you want to get from your guest ahead of time so you're on the same page about any payments, ownership of the content, publicity and promotions. 
  • Guest Blogger Agreement. Do you invite guest bloggers to submit guest blogs? This template covers important details giving you discretion as to whether to publish, exclusivity rights and covers important intellectual property concerns.  
  • Legal language is included in all of the customizable templates so you only need to decide on the business terms applicable to your collaboration.
  •  Plain English! No complicated legalese in these templates, and all of the legal language is explained in the Step Up Your Legal™ Video so you know what it means.

These 7 templates can help you if you are: 

An online course creator, coach, membership site or 1:1 service provider collaborating with other online business owners to deliver value to your customers and grow your audience. 



Template Bundle

7 Templates Included

Price:  $597 USD

What happens after I purchase the template bundle?

After purchase, you'll be directed to the student library where you can access all of the templates and Step Up Your Legal™ videos to help you quickly customize the templates. You'll be prompted to make copies of the templates in your own Google Drive and then you'll be able to customize them for your business.

Buy the Collaboration Template Bundle
This is not a law firm.

Nothing on this website should be considered legal advice. The Step Up Network LLC is not a law firm and does not provide any legal advice or any legal services. Pam Stevens is an attorney licensed in Massachusetts, USA but is not offering or providing legal services or establishing an attorney-client relationship with you through this website. This website is not intended in any way to be attorney advertising, but some states may consider it as such.